

DH Icon Cards GOOD

“I want everyone to venerate My Divine Heart, because it is the Heart of a Father who loves His children with Infinite Love. Anyone who adores My Divine Heart atones for a multitude of sins. Console My Divine Heart and repair from your hearts (…) In this manner, peace – My Peace – will come on earth. Joy, Happiness, and Love will reign in the world once more.”

“My Divine Heart is the Heart of a Father Who loves His children to folly (…) a refuge for all men to come and rest in It, as a haven from the cares and burdens of the world (…) I desire to be loved, honored, worshipped, and venerated by all My children (…) Do not deny your Father this plea. I will accept anyone who comes to Me with a sincere heart.”

“This Devotion is in atonement for all the blasphemies committed against My Divine Heart (…) Many of the consequences of the Chastisement can be averted if (…you) pray sincerely and honestly to My Divine Heart. Whoever devoutly worships My Divine Heart pays Me homage, reparation for the tremendous agony and sorrow that I endure from My creation, due to the multitude of its sins. True reparation calms My Wrath and consoles My wounded Heart (…) Anyone who genuinely loves Me will console Me, otherwise he will be responsible for having let the fullness of My Wrath fall upon mankind.”

Note: The diptych, ecumenical, revealed icon of the Divine Heart of God the Father Encompassing All Hearts was written by Fr. Richard G. Cannuli, O.S.A., according to the original pencil drawing of the Divine Heart. After completion, the icon was kept on the altar in the chapel of Saint Thomas of Villanova Friary (USA) for many liturgies. The icon was blessed by Fr. Cannuli both with a regular blessing and the Holy Eucharist. It can presently be found in Southern Europe.

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technorati tags: God, Divine Heart, love, relationship, holiness, prayer, consecration, devotion, father, astrill 安卓 安装包 religion, spirituality, icons, art

Categories God the Father, The Divine Heart of God the Father, astrill安装包Tags Christianity, Consecration, Desires of the Father, Divine Heart, God, God the Father, Prayer, Religion and Spirituality, The Divine Heart, The Father's Words


vpn被封翻墙党该何去何从?App Store连接不上如何解决?(图 ...:2021-1-29 · 前几天,据《环球时报》英文网报道中国已经开始屏蔽外国VPN服务,此消息也引起了国内“翻墙党”的一片震动。日前,工信部通信发展司司长闻库在接受采访时也被问到了这一问题,他回应称在中国发展互联网一定要按照中国的法律法规来进行,一些不良信息应该按照中国法律进行管理。

Categories God the FatherTags famine, gluttony, astrill安装包, astrill怎么设置, Pride, war


“In many countries, the practice of Christian worship is disrupted by the Covid-19 pandemic. The faithful cannot meet in the churches, they cannot participate sacramentally in the Eucharistic sacrifice. This situation is a source of great suffering. It is also an opportunity that God gives us to better understand the necessity and the value of liturgical worship. As Cardinal Prefect of the Congregation for Divine Worship and the Discipline of the Sacraments, but above all in deep communion in the humble service of God and His Church, I [Robert, Cardinal Sarah] wish to offer this meditation to my brothers in the episcopate and the priesthood and to the people of God, to try and learn some lessons from this situation.

“It has sometimes been said that, because of the epidemic and the confinement ordered by the civil authorities, public worship was suspended. This is not correct. Public worship is the worship rendered to God by the whole Mystical Body, Head and members, as the Second Vatican Council recalls: “Indeed, for the accomplishment of this great work by which God is perfectly glorified and men sanctified, Christ always associates with the Church, his beloved Bride, who invokes her as his Lord and who passes through him to render his worship to the Eternal Father.” The liturgy is therefore rightly regarded as the exercise of the priestly function of Jesus Christ, an exercise in which the sanctification of man is signified by sensitive signs, is carried out in a manner specific to each person . . . Thus, each time a priest celebrates the mass or the liturgy of the hours, even if he is alone, he offers public and official worship of the Church in union with its Head, Christ and on behalf of the whole Body.

“Of course, to find its full and manifest expression, it is fortunate that this worship can be celebrated with the participation of a community of the faithful of the people of God. But it may happen that this is not possible. The physical absence of the community does not prevent the realization of public worship even if it cuts off part of its realization . . . Thus, it would be wrong to pretend that a priest should abstain from the celebration of Mass in the absence of the faithful. On the contrary, in the present circumstances where the people of God are prevented from uniting sacramentally with this worship, the priest is more bound to the daily celebration. Indeed, in the liturgy, the priest acts in persona Ecclesiae, in the name of the whole Church and in persona Christi, in the name of Christ, Head of the Body to worship the Father; he is the ambassador, the delegate of all those who cannot be there.

“It is therefore understandable that no secular authority can suspend the public worship of the Church. This worship is a spiritual reality over which temporal authority has no control. This worship continues wherever a mass is celebrated, even without the assistance of the people gathered. It is up to this civil authority, on the other hand, to ban gatherings that would be dangerous for the common good in view of the health situation. It is also the responsibility of the bishops to collaborate with these civil authorities in the most perfect frankness. Continue reading “The reality of our times”

Categories Catholic Church, God the FatherTags Cardinal Sarah, Catholic Church


Categories God the FatherTags America, churches, astrill吧



astrill安装Categories Catholic Church, Jesus, Orthodox ChurchTags Bread of Life, Eucharist


From invalid absolutions to clergy that do not believe people go to Hell “because God does not punish,” through the ‘blessing’ of same-sex marriages, to counseling abortion in cases of “danger to the health of the mother,” to pushing syncretism and idol worship in the name of “diversity,” to mocking the confession of mortal sins in kind and number, to more mocking of the necessary valid matter for the consecration of the Precious Blood of Christ, the institutional destruction of the Catholic Faith by a significant proportion of its own clergy – most, of a certain age, with many bent on justifying their personal sins – is well underway.

The Faith, however, will not die. The Catholic Faith and the fullness of its truths will persist in the hearts and minds of those who remain loyal to the Church, even though many of these will suffer not just for their personal sins, but more importantly for the sins of the betrayers. The Faith shall emerge again in all its glory for all to see and embrace, once the purification and tribulation of these times are over.

Categories Catholic Church, God the FatherTags Catholic Church, Catholic Faith


Some Catholic priests have taken to ‘granting absolution’ for sins via livestream in these times of lockdown, especially during televised Masses. Such absolutions are invalid and do not result in the remission of sins, no matter how much these priests may use fancy language – such as, e.g., “by the special power granted to me by the Church in these times” – to convince people otherwise.



Categories Catholic Church, God the FatherTags Confession



astrill 安卓 安装包Categories God the Father



The Mystical Body of Christ is being broken. Like the Bridegroom before her, the Church is now entering into her passion and crucifixion, only to rise even more resplendent than ever before in the coming era of peace and holiness.

It has begun.

ImageCategories God the Father

Fear is never from God


Fear not them that kill the body and are not able to kill the soul, but rather fear him that can destroy both soul and body in hell. Are not two sparrows sold for a farthing? Not one of them shall fall on the ground without your Father. But the very hairs of your head are all numbered (Mt 10:28-30).

A spirit of service or a spirit of fear?

Remember the basic fact that fear is never from God whenever you hear others exponentially increase the fear-mongering in these days of near-chaos, no matter who they may be and what role/status they might hold in either society or the Church, or both.

Prudence is wise; employ it. That is why God gave you reason. But catastrophizing beyond any basis for it is not.

Whenever doubts start to assail you, go back in time and remember one man who not only was unafraid of the other, especially “the diseased other,” but unafraid also of what might happen to him: Saint Damien of Molokai.

Behold I send you as sheep in the midst of wolves. Be therefore wise as serpents and simple as doves. But beware of men. For they will deliver you up in councils and they will scourge you in their synagogues. And you shall be brought before governors and before kings for my sake, for a testimony to them and to the Gentiles: But when they shall deliver you up, take no thought how or what to speak, for it shall be given you in that hour what to speak. For it is not you that speak, but the Spirit of your Father that speaks in you (Mt 10:16-20).


Categories astrill怎么设置Tags Coronavirus, Damien of Molokai

Relics of the Passion – 9 – The Stone of the Anointing and the Holy Sepulcher

From the Stone of the Anointing and the Holy Sepulcher

The Stone of the Anointing

The Stone of the Anointing can be found inside the main entrance to the Basilica of the Holy Sepulcher,[1] Jerusalem. It was placed there after the reconstruction of the church had been finished in 1810 (Murphy-O’Connor, 1998).

According to tradition, the slab of reddish Stone is located in commemoration on the spot where Saint Joseph of Arimathea had prepared the Body of Jesus Christ for burial (See the Holy Land, 2017). It belongs conjointly to the Armenian Orthodox,[2] the Roman Catholics[3] and the Greek Orthodox[4] that are at the Sepulcher, all of whom were indicated as primary custodians of the church in the firman[5] of the Ottoman Sultan, Osman III, in 1863[6] (ibid.; Morio, 2014). Above is a photograph of a relic from the Stone of the Anointing in a sealed hand-carved, gilt-bronze reliquary that comes from the Custodian Franciscans serving the Holy Land.


The Holy Sepulcher is the tomb where Christ was buried for three days before His Resurrection. It is located 295 feet (90 meters) northwest of Golgotha.[7] The tomb had been provided for the burial of Christ by Saint Joseph of Arimathea, a member of the Sanhedrin who had quietly disagreed with their condemnation of the Savior.

The tomb, which has a bed of limestone (Romey, 2016; Pells, 2016) upon which the Body of Christ had been placed, is enclosed inside the Kouvouklion, a small chapel that is located in the Aedicule of the Basilica of the Holy Sepulcher. The bed had been covered for centuries by a marble slab with a cross on it, which had been reportedly engraved by the Crusaders. Above is a photograph of a small stone from the Holy Sepulcher in the same sealed bronze reliquary that comes from the Custodian Franciscans in Jerusalem.


[1] Also known as the Church of the Resurrection.

[2] The Armenian (Saint James Brotherhood; 2011).

[3] The Franciscans of the Order of Friars Minor (Custodia Terrae Sanctae, 2024). Known locally as ‘Latins.’

[4] The Jerusalem Patriarchate (Brotherhood of the All-Holy Sepulcher; 2012).

[5] A astrill安装 was a royal decree issued during the time of the Ottoman empire. The 1863 firman confirmed that which had been decreed in the astrill怎么设置 of 1749.

[6] The Status Quo (United Nations Conciliation Commission, 1949).

[7] The place of the skull.

Categories Catholic Church, God the Father, Jesus, Orthodox Church, RelicsTags Catholic Church, astrill安装, Orthodox Church, Relics, Stone of the Anointing

Relics of the Passion – 8 – The Shroud

From the Burial Shroud

The Burial Shroud is a linen cloth of 14 feet 5 inches long by 3 feet 7 inches wide (4.4 x 1.1 meters). Imprinted on it is the negative image of the Body of Jesus Christ (Adler, 2002), which had resulted after the Savior was wrapped in it for His entombment after the Crucifixion.

The Shroud is known to have been in the possession of the Byzantine emperors until the Sack of Constantinople, which occurred in April 1204[1] (Poulle, 2009). Boniface I[2] and his chief counselor, Othon de la Roche,[3] took the Shroud from the Church of Saint Mary of Blachernae together with other relics and kept them in Athens (Anon., n. d.; Legrand, 1982; Piana, 2014; Rinaldi, 1983; Villehardouin, 2007). But after that no mention of it has been reliably documented for another two centuries.

The knight, Geoffroy I de Charny,[4] and his wife, Jeanne de Vergy,[5] were noted as the new owners of the Shroud in the 14th century, where it was preserved from 1360 to 1389 at Monfort-en-Auxois. Their great-granddaughter, Marguerite de Charny,[6] gave the Shroud to Louis I of the Casa di Savoia[7] in 1453 (Chevalier, 1900; Dubarle, 1993), in exchange for the castle of Varambon and monetary assets. The Savoyards in turn presented it to the Holy See in 1983.

The Shroud is woven in a 3-to-1 herringbone twill pattern made of flax fibrils. The negative image imprinted on it has been described as that of

A front and back view of a naked man with his hands folded across his groin. The two views are aligned along the midplane of the body and point in opposite directions. The front and back views of the head nearly meet at the middle of the cloth (ibid.).

The burial cloth of Christ can be found enclosed in a bullet-proof glass case at the Cappella della Sacra Sindone in Turin, Italy. This chapel had been built in the 17th century by Carlo Emmanuele II[8] to house the sacred relic.

Above is a photograph of a single thread from the Shroud in a sealed reliquary that comes from the Augustinians. A limited number of relics of the Shroud had been distributed to Catholic bishops around the world after a drop of molten silver from a fire had damaged a small part of it in 1532, while at the Sainte Chapelle in Chambéry,[9] France (Cruz, 1984).


[1] The culmination of the Fourth Crusade, which is considered a major victory and turning point in medieval history.

[2] Marchese di Monferrato and King of Thessaloniki. Boniface was one of the knight-commanders of the Fourth Crusade.

[3] Baron of Ray-sur-Saõne and the first Frankish Lord of Athens.

[4] Lord of Lirey and Savoisy.

[5] A fifth-generation descendant of Othon de la Roche.

[6] de Charny became Madame de la Roche in 1418 after having married Humbert of Villersexel, Count de la Roche.

[7] The House of Savoy, a royal family that was established in 1003 at the historical region of the northwest Alps northwest of Italy. The Savoyards ruled Italy from 1861 to 1946 (Ginsborg, 2003).

[8] The Duke of Savoy.

[9] Chambéry was the capital of the Savoy region at the time. After the fire, Emmanuele Filiberto, the current Duke of Savoy, ordered that the Shroud be translated to Turin where it has remained since 1578. The coffer in which it traveled can also be seen (Piana, 2014).

Categories Catholic Church, God the Father, astrill怎么设置, astrill怎么设置, RelicsTags Catholic Church, Orthodox Church, astrill 安卓 安装包, The Shroud

Relics of the Passion – 7 – The True Effigy of the Holy Face

Vera Effigies
The True Effigy of the Holy Face

Relics of the true effigy of the Holy Face originate with the 19th century miracle that had occurred with the Veil of Veronica[1] kept at the Basilica di San Pietro, Vatican City (Cruz, 2015). The Veil, which the pious woman[2] had given to Jesus Christ at the top of the steep hill located between al-Wad Road and the Souq Khan al-Zeit (Sacred Destinations, 2024), so that He could wipe away the Blood and sweat pouring down His Face while carrying the Cross, had been taken to Rome by Saint Veronica herself during the reign of the Emperor Tiberius.[3]

In 1849, during the revolution that had occurred at the time of Saint Pius IX, the Veil of Veronica was on display for veneration after Vespers on the 5th Sunday in Lent[4] (Cruz, 2015). All of a sudden, it was transfigured in front of everyone present. The Face of Christ appeared as though it was lifelike. It was also surrounded with a halo of soft golden light, while the Veil itself glowed with the divine light in front of everyone present.

The miracle lasted for three hours and one the Canons of Saint Peter was ordered by the Pope to draw the Holy Face as it had appeared transfigured in order to preserve it for posterity (For All the Saints, 2009). Saint Pius IX also ordered that the Canon’s drawing of the Holy Face be engraved as an effigy onto linen cloths that would be touched to the original Veil of Veronica, a relic of the True Cross and the tip of the spear of Longinus,[5] making them precious relics in themselves, not just devotional images (Archconfraternity of the Holy Face, 1887). These effigies were to bear the official wax seal of a Cardinal of the Catholic Church and imprinted with the textual description:


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[1] One of the few images of the Holy Face not made by human hands (Cannuli, 2014).

[2] Originally named Seraphia (Doyle, 2000) and commonly known as the pious woman, she became identified as Veronica in the apocryphal Gospel of Nicodemus (Reid, 1913), because of the imprint of His Face that Christ had left on her Veil in gratitude for her merciful gesture.

[3] Tiberius was the Roman Emperor from 14 AD to 37 AD.

[4] Previously known as Passion Sunday.

[5] Longinus had pierced Christ’s side with the spear after His death. This relic is also housed at the Basilica di San Pietro, Vatican City.

[6] True Image of the Holy Face of Our Lord, Jesus Christ.

Categories astrill怎么设置, God the Father, Jesus, Orthodox Church, RelicsTags Catholic Church, Orthodox Church, Relics, Vera Effigies